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tv   The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson  FOX News  August 20, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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hospitality. >> there's no generjenna baby y. dispel any rumors. do you have another two hours in you? >> do we have another two hours? >> tomorrow. >> i'll be back tomorrow. "the real story" with gretchen carlson starts now. we do start with a fox news alert. president obama speaking a little over an hour ago condemning the murder of an american journalist beheaded by an isis terrorist. i'm gretchen carlson. welcome to a busy day on "the real story." james foley had been missing since thanksgiving 2012 when he was kidnapped in syria. in a tape verified by the national security council now, a black hooded man takes foley's life in what he says is retaliation for u.s. air strikes in iraq. 84 air strikes across iraq in total since august 8th. those terrorists now threatening to behead another journalist and threatening americans everywhere. the president warning isis that
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its fall is coming. >> the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. we will be vigilant and we will be relentless. when people harm americans anywhere, we do what's necessary to see that justice is done and we act against isil standing alongside others. >> we go live to iraq now. greg, what more do we know where you are on the ground there about this horrible execution? >> reporter: gretchen, the video is shocking people here in iraq and of course stateside. we're talking about the execution shown by isis militants of journalist james foley. he wears a guantanamo style orange jump suit in the video and also appearing with a masked militant who does a rant against the united states and its air strikes here. foley reportedly calls on the
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u.s. to stop the strikes and then there's the beheading with a knife. u.s. officials are studying the voices of foley and the killer to try to track him down looking closely at the video background to figure out where it happened. and they are looking closely at another kidnapped american journalist also threatened with death if u.s. air strikes continue. >> all right. so what has been the reaction there? >> reporter: it's a brutal act that has resonated very much with the people here. we spoke with some yazidi refugees driven from their homes by isis militants, blood thirsty isis militants. they say they're not human. they say beheading is terrible but it's not unusual for isis. one said many family members were killed and another showed me images of other isis beheadings on a cell phone. as for folks on the front line, the kurdish peshmerga fighters say they hope the united states
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does not stop bombing. that's been the demand on that video. that it is key to their success against isis and they also say that the brutality on that video is the more reason for the united states to hang in. no doubt they were watching president obama and no doubt they were pleased with at least his stern words. they're looking for that support in their ongoing fight. it's just the beginning here. back to you, gretchen. >> thank you so much. for analysis now and more on the president's actions, time to bring in bret baier, anchor of "special report." great to see you. what did you make of the president coming briefly off his vacation to address the nation and to basically say back to the terrorists, you know, we'll get justice. >> it was a powerful statement. it was one that the president obviously had to make once that video was verified by the national security council in that statement. a couple of interesting phrasing of the sentences where the
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president said middle east governments and people across the middle east there has to be common effort to extract this cancer so it does not spread. calling on other governments to step up. there will be criticism and there has been of the administration as you know of not doing enough early enough and not doing enough in syria to stop this isis terrorist army before it grew. now we are where we are and this is the administration acting as you mentioned 84 air strikes since august 8th. >> it's interesting if you go back to may 2013 just a little bit more than a year ago where the president all but declared victory against the war on terror. he said this in part. today osama bin laden is dead and so are many of his top lieutenants. there's been no large scale attacks on the u.s. and our homeland is more secure. i wonder now obviously you wouldn't be saying those words
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today. >> if you talked to intelligence officials in washington, overseas, they will tell you that this terrorist army, isis or as president refers to isil, is as dangerous as any they've ever seen. vice president biden just gave a speech in connecticut in which he said it's the most outrageous group i've encountered in my entire career. he also had interesting phrasing in that speech. he said the more truth that's exposed in iraq, the more quickly the world will respond. asking other countries to respond to this terrorist threat. clearly the threat to the u.s. is there. >> it's interesting you bring that up. you can hear the british accent if you watch this beheading tape of the isis assailant and david cameron, the prime minister of the u.k., has come off of his vacation and come back because of the supposed british involvement in this crime and
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yet today president obama was off his vacation for a few days and is back now out playing golf again. is there anything wrong with the optics or does that not matter at all? >> we talk a lot about optics and presidents need time off and the presidency never leaves the president because it always travels with him. you're right. there are different optics of british prime minister david cameron heading back to work and the threat of this isis terrorist group is real. so, you know, a lot of people will point that out he went from that statement to the golf course today. one other thing i want to mention quickly is that the former ambassador to syria, ambassador ford, was on mpr this morning. and he said the current situation in syria, humanitarianihumanitarian i and national security threat gives new context to which america may reconsider air
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strikes in syria. that's something. >> a year ago this time the president was going back and forth as to what he was going to do with syria at that time. all right. too much going on in the world. a lot of unrest. thanks so much. we'll be watching you tonight. the family of james foley speaking for the first time since the horrific video of his execution surfaced online. john and diane foley breaking down at the loss of their son. >> he was just a hero. >> you know from the video his last words were i wish i had more time. to see my family. >> jim had a big heart. >> tough to watch that. president obama spoke to the family to give his condolences and says that they are in his prayers. the other big story happening today is back here at home. attorney general eric holder
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wrapping up a meeting with community leaders in ferguson, missouri, on edge after the shooting death of an unarmed 18 year old. >> you need to disperse immediately. >> protesters clashed with police again overnight. the attorney general there to oversee the investigation the county prosecutor is running at least for now. he says it could be mid october before all of the evidence is laid out before a grand jury. we're also learning michael brown's funeral has been scheduled for monday taking place in st. louis. in the meantime, our own mike tobin once again live for us on the ground in ferguson. what is eric holder doing right now? >> reporter: he's still meeting with community leaders. he changed venues at one point but is meeting at the community college. ing following that, he's headed
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to fbi headquarters. the department of justice is flooding the zone with 40 fbi investigators researching the federal civil rights case. now, the state case began today as well. a grand jury was seated and that drew demonstrators to the county justice building. a lone supporter of officer darren wilson showed up there and police put her in a car and whisked her away apparently for her own safety. gretchen? >> so there's been a lot of stories floating around today about the police officer involved in this shooting. what more do you know about the condition of the police officer involved in this whole ordeal? >> reporter: if you remember, the chief of the ferguson police department said he was hospitalized initially with swelling to his face and his head or treated at the hospital because he had been hit in the head and hit in the face. we now have information he was hit hard enough to break the bones around his eye. this coming from the gateway pundit.
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they report his injury is an orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket. the report sources a leak from the county prosecutor's office. a spokesman denies the leak came from them and information is part of the evidence being presented to the grand jury. gretchen? >> mike tobin live for us in ferguson. thank you. as you heard mike say, the grand jury starting to hear evidence in the shooting there amid calls for a change in actually who is going to be in command. protesters demanding the special prosecutor be put in charge of the investigation. missouri lieutenant governor peter kinder joins us next on that and criticism of his boss, the governor. new details emerging in aftermath of a bizarre and deadly mid air collision involving two italian fighter jets. and one american beheaded by isis but there are more hostages being held. what's going to happen to them now and what should america do to ensure their safe return?
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>> governments and peoples across the middle east there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer so that it does not spread.
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welcome back to "the real story." sad update to a story we brought you during our show yesterday. the mid air collision of two italian fighter jets. we got reports that the crew had ejected safely but unfortunately today we learn now the badly burned body of the pilot found at the crash site. three other crew members still missing at this time. fighter jets were based in northern italy had been taking part in training exercises and an investigation now under way into the cause of that accident. back to ferguson, missouri, now and debate unfolding there over who should lead the investigation into the death of michael brown. the unarmed teen shot and killed by a police officer 11 days ago now. also, many questions about people in power prejudging this
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case. joining me now on the phone, lieutenant governor of missouri peter kinder. great to have you with us, lieutenant governor. >> thank you, gretchen. >> i know that you were meeting yesterday. you prayed with african-american ministers and hope to do the same thing tomorrow. for the most part, you have been excluded by the governor of your state, governor nixon, from any involvement as to what he's doing with regard to this case, correct? >> that is affirmative. that is correct, gretchen. if you wanted to support this governor as a fellow constitutional officer of state government, you would be uncertain how to do that for several reasons. first of all, no communication at all. secondly, the policy appears to be changing about every 12 hours in a herky-jerky on again/off again, uncertain tentative manner and it's leaving not only
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missourians across our great state and americans but also the other five constitutional officers of state government in the dark. we are not included. they did reach out and said they were holding a conference call with the governor the day before yesterday. he came on for about a minute to brief us and the line went dead and we heard nothing from him. he came on again and the line went dead a second time and then we never heard from the governor again. >> you would think in a situation like this that party politics -- i'm not sure if that's what's at play here, it sounds like it. governor nixon is a democrat. you're a republican. you would think with something of this magnitude that politics would not be an issue and that the governor would be seeking the advice of anyone within government power, wouldn't you? >> i would hope so. i would hope so. that would be my leadership style. but it is not this governor's leadership style. again, we get a change about every 12 or 24 hours ain what te
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plan is going forward. no communication. gretchen, the mayor there has told reporters -- i don't know if anyone has reported this. he has told reporters he's not had one phone call from the governor. >> wow. well, that would also be a problem. that would also be a problem based on magnitude of what's going on here and by many accounts the complete miscommunication and changing story. i know what else you're upset about, lieutenant governor, is that you believe that governor nixon has prejudged this situation. in what way? >> well, gretchen, we had the extraordinary statement last night by the governor in a strange video statement he put out that he called for the vigorous prosecution of this case. now, the governor is a lawyer. he was a four-term attorney general of this state, elected twice as governor. six times not counting in the
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state senate a couple more times, he's put his hand on a bible and taken an oath top defend the constitution and the laws of the united states including our bill of rights which is a set of guarantees to every american regardless of their station in life, race, color or creed, guarantees a right, the right to a jury trial. the right to face your accuser. the right to defense counsel if you're charged with a crime. the right to all kinds of protections for the innocent and protections for those who are being investigated and maybe ultimately charged with a crime. for the -- if a prosecutor, gretchen, if a prosecutor had used the words and language that was used last night, he would be set to sanction by the court. no judge would stand for that. for the chief executive officer of missouri state government to go down that road is just heartbreaking. we're looking for leadership
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that builds confidence. not misleadership that tears that confidence down. >> so speaking of leadership, the president dispatched attorney general eric holder to ferguson, missouri, today. he's there right now. what do you make of what's going to happen because he's there? >> well, a federal investigation is entirely fair and appropriate. that is what the attorney general has fledged. i have every hope his visit will be a step forward and constructive and i hope that it will have a calming effect on the community and that we'll have impartial law enforcement going forward. we'll stop looting all together. no more molotov cocktails. no more hooligans smashing windows and looting property that belongs to others. that's destructive to the community and destructive to the jobs of poor and working poor and middle class people right
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there in ferguson. so i'm very hopeful that the attorney general's visit will be a step in the right direction. >> you have told me that you plan to visit ferguson again tomorrow. lieutenant governor, thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate it. >> thank you, gretchen. >> so changing gears a little bit for you now. mitt romney, guess what? he's in high demand on the campaign trail saying the president's decision making even worse than he ever could have imagined. our political panel will give us real talk on that. plus, nfl may want big named performers to pay now for the privilege to play during the super bowl halftime show. so can you imagine katy perry shelling out the big bucks or maybe prince? it could happen. that brings us to our question of the day. what do you think about that? who do you want to see pay to play the super bowl? you can tweet me @gretchen carlson using hash tag "the real story." we'll try to read your comments at the end of the show.
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last time he ran for elected office back in 2012 but mitt romney in demand on the gop campaign trail and he's got some tough words for the man that he tried to replace in the white house. saying president obama is even worse than he expected on both domestic and foreign policy. >> the results of his mistakes and errors have been more severe than i would have predicted. >> what would you have done differently? >> i said that during the campaign. >> joining me now is chris plante and leslie marshall. all right, chris. go at it.
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>> you know, mitt romney is a very kind and gentle person and i think he understates the case quite honestly. there was a quinnipiac poll at the beginning of july asking the american people who is the worst president since world war ii. ri president obama got 33% of that poll. a lot of people that voted for him believe that president obama is the worst president since world war ii which is within living memory certainly. i get callers to my radio show quite regularly who voted for president obama the first time and even the second time who have buyers remorse and believe he's the worst president but if you can find a decision that he's made and if you can find a situation in which he's led that has created a positive outcome, send me an e-mail. i'm still looking for it. >> let's ask leslie who is on the other side of the fence. can you help chris out?
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>> yes, i would say that making a phone call to go ahead, which could have ruined his political career and all democrats to keep going with getting and killing osama bin laden was the right call that helped a lot of people out in the world. that's one example i can give. another quite frankly is that the president is not on the campaign trail. you'll say he's on vacation and he'll come back and he's focused on issues i'm not sure mitt romney would handle that much differently. it's easy to say i'll criticize the person who has the job that i wanted that beat me so bad in this election. >> funny you say that -- i don't know if it's sour grapes or difference of opinion. let's listen to those issues. here's what mitt romney said. >> i lay down a plan for syria and plan for iraq and described
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what i would do. he hasn't done those things and we have seen things devolve in america in a severe way. >> he got laughed at by president obama before he was re-elected. >> even though joe biden was against going in, that's not a tough call for the president of the united states. mitt romney pointed out that vladimir putin would become the primary geopolitical foe for the united states of america. barack obama famously said the '80s called and they want their foreign policy back. if i was harvard law school, i would call and ask for my diploma back. >> leslie? >> i would definitely disagree right now at this moment that russia is our biggest foe and quite frankly i think the president handled that very well and the reason i say that is --
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i do feel that we said look we'll hit you where it hurts financially and that's what he's doing hitting back with eu and us financially. when i look at the solutions that mitt romney has, one, don't think you would have congressional approval in the democratically controlled senate and, two, what is the cost not only with money but with human lives. i'm hearing from folks like mitt romney not less but more troops on the ground and we're hearing from americans both left and right we want to focus on domestic issues. >> we have breaking news coming up in just a few moments there may be more boots on the ground in iraq and that would be under president obama. okay. got to wrap it there. tons of stuff going on today. thanks to both of you. let's go back to ferguson, missouri now because grand jury will begin hearing evidence in the police killing of the unarmed black teen michael brown, the 18 year old. coming up, greta van susteren joins me to shed light on how that process works.
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plus, how the killing of american journalist james foley might affect u.s. operations in iraq as the lives of two more captive americans hangs in the balance. we'll have an update on possibly, possibly more troops going there. moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood,
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fox news alert. breaking news right now about possible troops, more troops, headed to iraq.
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shep smith is reporting live with the update. >> fox news confirmed the u.s. military is considering sending in more troops. senior u.s. officials tell fox news there is a request by the state department for additional security personnel in and around baghdad. the pentagon reports it is right now seriously considering sending fewer than 300 personnel to baghdad to fulfill this request but the final decision has not been made. by our count here on the fox news deck, that would put the total number of troops from the united states now in iraq somewhere around 1,100 and as recently as yesterday the pentagon insisted there is no mission. i'm shepard smith. now back to one of our other top stories, ferguson, missouri. community in chaos. we have seen huge and violent protests there for days now. here you see people gathering outside the county courthouse. this is from today. why? because a grand jury is meeting there right now.
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those protesters want to see the local prosecutor booted from the case. digging into this now, greta van susteren. hi, greta. thank you for joining us on "the real story." >> nice to be here. >> so much to cover with you today. let's go back to the fact that eric holder, attorney general, is there. what do you think he's going to accomplish by being in ferguson? >> i think he sends a message to people in the community of ferguson that the united states takes this seriously and they'll do an investigation to see whether civil rights violation. he sends a message to the people in ferguson. when the attorney general shows up, that's a big deal. >> earlier we had the lieutenant governor of missouri on. he says there's been zero communication from the governor. will this help at all in communication having the attorney general there? >> i don't think that's going to help at all. i can't quite understand why the governor made that statement myself. it's not very helpful.
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this is an explosive situation and the grand jury is to hear evidence fair to both sides. both to michael brown and his family and to the officer. both are entitled to have a full and complete hearing. the unfortunate part is this is done in secret and it always is so that no matter what happens whether there's a no bill, no indictment or indictment of some sort, they will be unhappy people and people making all sorts of criticism. what we need are people to put the lid on it and the governor -- i thought the governor took sides in his statement. taking insides is really unwise at this point. we need an investigation. we need a lid on it. we don't need the governor of the state, at least to me, appeared he was taking sides. >> when he said vigorous prosecution. >> he should have said investigation. did he misspeak? i don't know. that was a poor choice of words. i have had a poor choice of words myself in my history on the air. i'm somewhat sympathetic. if it was a poor choice of words, he should come out and fix that one. >> we all have.
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let's talk a little bit about the special prosecutor. we started this segment with some people calling for that. they want to boot the county prosecutor. where do you fall on that? >> the allegation is that he has some sort of bias and they have listed it. everybody comes into this business with a bias of some sort. it's whether you can rise above it. it's not just whether you can rise above it, but the appearance. this prosecutor is perfectly able to handle this no problem. he's got a lot of people that he has the appearance of bias to many. it might be smarter in this one instance, this very one instance, that he take himself off the case and let someone who has absolutely nothing at all to suggest any sort of bias. i'm not saying the prosecutor is biassed. i'm not even saying it's fair to tell the prosecutor to remove. how do you put a lid on this? you can't answer every single complaint by both constituencies but you try to handle what you can. so i don't think the prosecutor is unfair and the gararand jury
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will make the decision. they can present it any way they want to. this is so electrifying. why not try to get someone with more distance. >> all right. i know you're very focused on this for your show tonight. 7:00 eastern. we'll watch. thanks for your time and analysis. >> thank you. breaking news right now. senior u.s. official telling fox news that the pentagon considering sending up to 300 troops back to iraq although this mission still has no name. joining me now is captain chuck nash. what do you make of this breaking news. 300 troops mission has no name, no real strategy other than air strikes, but now after all of the talk of no boots on the ground, there might actually be more boots on the ground? >> those guys aren't going to go over there wearing sandals. this is a request that sounds like a specific request to add
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to the perimeter security and defense of the green zone which is actually a fairly large area inside of baghdad where our embassy is. we have a lot of other agencies that operate out of there. it looks like that is the case. the fact that this is the operation that has no name is a little bit silly because we're conducting combat operations there. the other thing that bothers me, gretchen, is that we are loathed to come out and say what it is we're doing. lives are at risk and lives are being taken. it's time to stop the politics of whatever i said we were leaving, we left, so therefore we can't go back even though we're sending troops back. this looks silly and in our enemy's face, it looks cowardly. >> there is no real laid out strategy, is that what you're saying? it's coming in drips and drabs while the president is on vacation and he comes back and he's making moves here and
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there. >> exactly. motion gets confused with progress a lot. we're not really making any progress. we're doing pinprick things and helping kurds here and there. what's needed is a strategy comprised of three major components. a political element, an economic element and military element. the military element has a campaign part of that supports the other two tiers and then you have intelligence that forms all three of those main components. that gets put together. that's why we have a national security council. that's why we have a commander in chief. that's why we have a pentagon. they need to start doing it. >> all right. so aside from the beheading today, now we have additional troops potentially going in there. do you think that's a result of isis beheading the american citizen or not related at all? >> no, i don't think it's related at all. i think it's a realization that
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we've got ft. apache in baghdad in the green zone. the people are getting rightly concerned that the situation is becoming more unstable and that they are reacting to that. they don't want another benghazi. this would be benghazi on steroids. >> wow. you're hearing it from captain nash. always great to get your insight. thank you, sir. >> my pleasure. >> as we wait for that grand jury to convene in ferguson, missouri, attorney general eric holder is there on the ground meeting with community leaders and federal agents. how does that process play out. our legal panel will get into that. plus, the killer ebola outbreak spreading to another country now. and we're going to show you what one loyal colonel sanders fan did to earn kfc for the rest of his life.
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welcome back to "the real story." we have new developments in the deadliest outbreak of ebola in history. the disease has now spread to the democratic republic of congo. meantime, the largest hospital in kenya has set up an isolation ward to deal with the epidemic. it's killed 1,300 people across west africa. as we've been telling you this hour, grand jury getting ready to considering evidence of the shooting death of michael brown in missouri as the top cop arrives to oversee the investigation. the grand jury will ultimately decide whether or not the police officer involved will face criminal charges. so how does that process work? eric guster is a trial lawyer and we have another attorney. how does this process work?
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>> good news is this is a perfectly normal process. we're not changing any rules in this game for michael brown or darren wilson. a grand jury is empanelled to investigate a criminal case to decide whether or not there's enough evidence or probable cause to move forward. it's a very one-sided process. the prosecution really gets to present its evidence. the defense doesn't get to do a whole lot. the defendant is invited to attend and to testify if the defendant wants to but doesn't have to. the weird part for the people out there is we as defense attorneys, we don't get to cross examine anybody. we don't get to ask any questions. you get to be a warm body. >> so if you were the lawyer for the police officer in this case, would you want the police officer to testify? >> it depends on what he has to say because in a case like this,
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this police officer would testify and i could not object. the defense lawyer can object to questions. the defense lawyer can say don't answer that or invoke your fifth amendment rights. he can't say anything to stop the process. so if he's being asked questions under oath, he must answer truthfully and the lawyer cannot stop it. >> why was it impanelled so quickly? any rhyme or reason as to when a grand jury can be impanelled? >> they are impanelled all the time. each state, like in new york, if you will try someone with a felony, you have a short period of time, six months in order to indict them from the time you charge or arrest. this officer hasn't been arrested yet. they want to get the grand jury impanelled and get the evidence heard because you see what's going on in ferguson and we don't want to waste time but there's not a lot of time you're allowed to waste procedurally any way. >> who is on the grand jury? >> there are citizens. it's just like the jury trial as far as picking the jurors.
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it's the citizens of the county and that jurisdiction who are picked and keep in mind, there's no judge in the room. it's only the prosecutor and these people. it's the prosecutor's case to present to these people and it really depends on how he or she presents the case whether it gets indicted or not. >> we're hearing more evidence today that the police officer involved suffered a more major injury to the eye socket than had been previously reported. there are a lot of other rumors going around out there. is this a type of stuff that the grand jury is hearing? >> this is an excellent point because another thing people don't realize is you as a defendant or defense attorney and public are not entitled to any anything about an investigation until a grand jury has indicted. even if you are arrested for a felony and i represent you, gretchen, i'm not allowed to obtain the "discover"discovery" anything until a grand jury has heard that evidence. that's why what we're getting,
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we're getting in fits and starts and we're not getting the whole case yet. the public is not -- the defendant isn't allowed to it. that's why it's going the way it is. >> is it fair to say in many circles there's been a rush to judgment because we don't know? >> not necessarily a rush to judgment. however, with this process, it takes a long time especially with the murder trial. there are so many witnesses. eric holder sent 40 agents to interview different witnesses. we don't know what witnesses have to say. with murder cases it takes a long time. people are upset. everyone is entitled to be upset because an 18 year old is dead. however, we don't know what other witnesses may have and it's a very long process. >> all right. great to have your expertise today. thank you for the explanation. >> thank you. coming up on "the real story," an american woman's body found stuffed in a suitcase found at a luxury hotel far away. now her daughter under arrest as
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we learn more about the history of abuse and a possible motive now for that mom's murder. and, tupperware and mary kay? good ways to make money but selling personal safety door to door could be the next big opportunity. we'll fill you in on what we're talking about when we come back. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. time to do a check of your headlines. authorities in arizona reopening parts of highways that were shut down after severe flooding that happened there. national weather service says some areas got more rain yesterday than they had all last summer. meantime, the lawyer for one-time captive bea bowe bergd
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plans to go back to college. this is happening after a federal judge said that the list was unconstitutional, citing a lack of due process. remember this case we told you about last week? new details now on the woman whose body was found stuffed inside a suitcase at a tropical resort in bali. we're now learning that she had received more than $840,000 in the form of a settlement with a cruise line. trace gallagher picks up the story live. trace, i don't know, is that the motive? >> well, we don't know. but the woman sued for an injury the husband received, and they got that settlement before the husband died in 2006. but $500,000 of that $840,000 was supposed to go to their
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daughter, heather mack. instead a judge turned the money over to the mom. it's unclear if the settlement plays a part in the volatile relationship between the mother and daughter, but chicago police had been called to their home 86 times because of various disputes. the mother often claimed her daughter abused her. now the coroner in bali says before the mom's body was actually stuffed in that suitcase, she was badly beaten and died of asphyxia from a broken nose and a broken neck. her body has since been returned to the united states. heather mack and her 21-year-old boyfriend, tommy schafer, are now in a bali jail, and they're on suicide watch. listen to police. >> translator: the suspects are not cooperative at all, and they remain quiet. i hope they can tell their u.s. lawyer what happened and that the u.s. consulate general in bali can explain to them how the system works. >> police have also confirmed that heather mack is pregnant. if she's convicted, she would be allowed to raise her child in an
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indonesian prison. their chicago attorney, by the way, should be arriving in bali sometime today. big question in this case is, is the money the motive for the murder? gretchen. >> thanks so much for the update, trace. so you probably heard of jewelry, makeup parties. how about a self-defense party? the new trend that's encouraging women to take their safety into their own hands. right back.
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for years companies like mary kay have helped women throw tons of parties to try on and then buy makeup. well, now a new company applying that same business model to pepper spray and stun guns. so the company's called damsel in defense. not only do they offer a variety of stylish, nonlethal weapons, but they'll also teach you how to use them. >> women are looking for ways to protect themselves and their families. but they don't know where to go. you know, they won't go to a gun show or order online something
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they can't actually handle and try themselves. >> damsel in defense has more than 4,000 reps all across the country. so get this story. illinois barber got a pretty unusual request from a client. he wanted the likeness of colonel sanders shaved and painted into his hair. when the district manager of the chicken chain found out about the haircut, he promised both the barber and his customer a stack of coupons for free. kfc for life. wow. so the nfl reportedly wants performers to pay for the privilege now of playing the super bowl halftime show. so i asked you, would you want somebody to pay, and who would you want to see do that? mary lou says i think the beach boys would do just fine, thank you very much. that's a good pick. tom says carrie underwood can sing. she should be the halftime show. she's amazing. colin says i don't want a halftime show. just get on with the game! all right. there's truth to that. robin wonders if the nfl really
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needs the money and says acts could just donate to a host city charity. all great ideas. thanks so much for writing today. and thanks are being part of "the real story" on a very busy news day. i'm gretchen carlson. there's more with shepard smith. first, the killing of an american reporter, james foley. militants cut off his head on camera. now we're hearing from his parents and the president. >> he was strong, courageous, loving to the end. we just hardly recognized our little boy. he was just a hero. >> jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world. >> so now what? this hour we'll talk with a journalist from reporters without borders who knew foley well. plus, attorney general holder arriving in ferguson, missouri, as a grand jury starts to decide whether to indict the officer who shot michael brown. and we wait to see whether calm returns to the streets tonight. let's get to it.


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